
We the people are the owners and inheritors of this society and the world. There has always been and will continue to be gaps in the culture of the hinterland and the urban elitism.

We shall endeavor to bridge this gap with proactive, cooperative, life style as one community. Hermitage Marketing is the community of people who live proactively and can work charitably.

Hermitage Marketing welcomes all Hermit marketeers to join in this non-profit venture.

Products and services marketed here are produced by individuals who are not part of the mad urban rush and also normally do not have much skill and resources to access these markets.

This is a wonderful opportunity to be of service to the society and country in our free time while making available these products personally crafted by people in remote areas often with minimalistic amenities, at peace with what they have and in tune with the nature and its laws and with conviction to protect age old arts, produce works with ethical commitment and hopes to be appreciated and supported.

To invest as a stockist (minimum investment Rs 5500), please write to us for more information.

Small Bowls 050